35th KIP –May 2016
The last date to submit application for the 35th KIP is 07.04.2016
The Government of India will be conducting the 35th‘Know India Programme’(KIP) to familiarize Indian Diaspora youth with India’s culture, heritage and also with contemporary India during the period 07 May to 01 June, 2016spanning a period of 25 days.
- The KIP isa three-week orientation programme for Malaysian youth of Indian origin for promotingawareness on different facets of life in India as well as to see the progress made in various sectors such as Economic, Industrial, Education, Science & Technology, Communication & Information Technology and Culture. It will also provide a unique forum for students and young professionals of Indian origin to share their views, expectations & experiences and to develop closer bonds with contemporary India.
- The programme is open to Malaysian youths of Indian origin in the age group 18-26 years, as on 01 May, 2016. Non-Resident Indian citizens (NRIs) are not eligible to apply for this programme.
- The content of the programme broadly includes the following:
- Presentations on India, its political process as well as developments in various sectors.
- Interaction with faculty and students at a prestigious University / College / Institute.
- Presentation on the industrial development and visits to some Industries / factories.
- Visit to a village to better understand the typical village life.
- Exposure to Indian media.
- Interaction with NGOs and organisations dealing with women affairs.
- Visit to places of historical importance / monuments.
- Taking part in cultural programmes.
- Call on high dignitaries, including President of India, Chief Election Commissioner of India, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, and other dignitaries.
- The focus of the current KIP will be ‘Maharashtra State’ and highlight of the Programme is a tour of Maharashtra on board the luxury train ‘Deccan Odyssey’.
- Applicants for this programme should either be a Graduate or pursuing Graduation and should be well versed in Englishlanguage(they should have studied English as a subject at the High School level or should have English as a medium of instruction for graduate degree course).They should not have participated in any previous KIP or Internship Programme for Diaspora Youth (IPDY) organized by the Government of India in the past.Those who have not visited India before would begiven preference.The applicant should also enclose a medical fitness certificate from a General Physician stating that he/she is medically fit to take part in the 3-week programme in India.
- The selected participantwill have to take an overseas medical insurancefor the duration of the visit in India.
- The participants will be provided following hospitality/facilities in India:
- Local hospitality i.e. boarding/lodging in State Guest Houses or budget hotels.
- Internal travel as per the Programme.
- Daily pocket allowance.
- ‘Gratis Visa’ by the Indian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur.
- Reimbursement of 90% of the cheapest economy class return air ticketfrom Malaysia to India, after successful participation in the KIP.
- The KIP application form can be downloaded from <https://indianhighcommission.com.my/pdf/35th_KIP_ApplicationForm.pdf >.
- The duly filled-in KIP application form can be submitted in person/post/fax ( )or by e-mail () at the following address before07thApril2016 (Thursday):
High Commission of India, Education Section,
No. 1, JalanKiara,Mon’, .
------------ 28thMarch 2016