Press Release on ease of Tourist Visa restrictions
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Government of India has lifted the restriction of a two months gap between two consecutive visits for travel of Malaysian nationals to India on a tourist visa. Consequently, now there is no restriction for Malaysian nationals to travel to India on tourism purposes on a valid tourist visa in terms of gap between two consecutive visits. All other procedures for application of Indian tourist visa remain unchanged. This measure would further ease the travel of Malaysian nationals to India for tourism purposes. |
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Malaysian nationals, who have valid tourist visas to travel to India can download, if required,a copy of the official Press Release from the website of the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur (indianhighcommission.com.my) for purpose of clarification. |
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It is also highlighted that for travel for other purposes to India, including business, trade, etc there was earlier also no restriction on a gap between two visits for Malaysian nationals to travel to India, and the procedure for application for visa for all other categories remains the same. |
For any further clarification, you may contact – |
India Visa Centre
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Consular & Labour Services